RSA: 0861 378881
International: +27 (0)21 701 4063


We offer the following taxation services:

  • Employees tax preparation and submission via SARS efiling.
  • VAT preparation and submission via SARS efiling.
  • Company, Trust and Individual Income Tax return preparation and submission via SARS efiling.

As a value added service provided to new clients, a ‘health check’ is performed at take-on of the client to ensure that the client is complying with SARS requirements. This service is provided free of charge. The SARS ‘health check’ typically entails confirming with SARS that all VAT, PAYE and Income Tax returns are submitted up to date with SARS and also that all outstanding payments due have been made based on SARS records. The results of the ‘health check’ will be reported back to the client.

We provide specialist tax advisory services for those out of the ordinary and more complex taxation queries. Where applicable we may consult the advice of a senior tax specialist to obtain a second opinion to ensure your peace of mind.